Late 2 Year old Appaloosa Sporthorse gelding. This young horse is going to be something special. He has looks, brains, and potential for days. He is a late 2 year old so has only had groundwork done, has not been saddled or ridden. Handled by children. Price will go up with further training. He is going to be a big boy with potential for the Hunter, Dressage, and/or Ranch arena.
If you don't see what you are looking for please contact us at or on Facebook.
We may have something that is not being currently advertised or have a lead on the right horse for you.
Available March 1st JJ will be for ON SITE lease. He is a show pony deluxe. JJ is moody on the ground if you know him you know. So he can't be leased to someone that will be mushy gushy to him or baby him. Loved yes but not babied. Typical pony if you allow to be the boss (this is with his mouth only ) There is a lease fee each month. Must pay for a package of lessons per month. Must be able to safely catch pony and bring in and out of paddock. If not I must be there. JJ is super safe but again does bite with a purpose when babied . Is the perfect gentleman when he knows handler is the boss.. Lease open to a child or small adult. Would sell also but JJ isn't a backyard pony he is priced in 5 figures. JJ wants to live here forever though I think we love him.
JJ is registered half Welsh and can be reg with POA. JJ does western, trail competition and rides, hunter, jumps he is a true wonder pony. I use him for dead beginner lessons too. He is the bomb.
There are other small fees at times can go over this with a serious inquiry such as working , salt blocks etc
If you don't see what you are looking for please contact us at or on Facebook.
We may have something that is not being currently advertised or have a lead on the right horse for you.